There’s something comforting about waking to blue skies and sunshine. Added to the crisp seabreeze, it’s the perfect way to wake up.

After a good night’s sleep and a longer lie in for all, we bustled off to our morning run and swim – both refreshing and invigorating.

This morning was pastries from breakfast – yum!

Following on from yesterday’s high-octane thrill ride of activities, there was no stopping today:

Surfing and body boarding:


Mountain boarding:

Throughout all these activities, teamwork has been key. When in the canal, the most efficient canoes glide through the water when the canoeists are in rhythmic synchronisation. Chanting and persistence are required – a team must work together. But it’s not just in these more obvious team activities where such qualities are required. In mountain boarding, our friends needed to help hold us whilst we found our balance and help navigate the challenge of getting protective gear on. In surfing, it was easier for two people carrying boards together down to the beach. In bodyboarding, getting wetsuits on certainly required some help for friends and adults. In every step of life, we find opportunities to work collaboratively with people around us – it’s a vital life skill. Together we are stronger, and these teams are learning how we can achieve this through the Three Ps: Patience, Proactivity and Positivity. Our world needs teamwork to avoid conflict and war, to protect our environment and all its wonderful creatures, and to nurture our wellbeing and sense of happiness. These teams are the future and I have a feeling they are going to make a big difference.

We’ll post again later on the evening’s fun.