School Meals

School meals are currently free of charge as part of The Mayor of London providing the funding as an emergency cost of living support measure.

Our school meals are prepared and served by Caterlink catering services who hold the Soil Association Food for Life’s Gold Catering Mark. Food on the menus is freshly prepared from scratch each day using a selection of sustainable and locally sourced ingredients. The school menus include a selection of organic products, including bread, yoghurts and milk, as well as a range of locally sourced, seasonal produce. In addition, all of the eggs are free range and all of the meat is Farm Assured/Red Tractor certified. For further details please look at their website: 

At Lunchtime children can either have school meals or bring a packed lunch from home.

On no occasion must any foodstuff from home contain nuts or any nut products. We are a nut free school.

Please email the school requesting to start or stop school lunches ( A week’s notice is required.

Healthy Snacks & Packed Lunches

St Mary’s achieved the Healthy School Award in 2003 for encouraging a healthy lifestyle. At break time we provide fresh fruit for younger children (Reception to Year 2) and older children are also encouraged to snack on fruit or to have a juice drink brought in from home. No nuts or nut products are allowed.

In school children are encouraged to drink water and to have their own individual bottle readily available. Good quality water bottles can be purchased from the school office.

Please read the below guidance on how to prepare a nutritious and balanced packed lunch as well as what is permitted for a mid-morning snack. The guidance also includes items not permitted at school:

St Mary’s Healthy Eating Guidance