The members of St Mary’s Governing Body are:

Committee membership: Safety & Community; Ethos (Chair); Leadership Appraisal Group (Chair)
Link role: Staff wellbeing

Committee membership: Finance & Staffing; Curriculum & Standards; Leadership Appraisal Group.
Link role: Whistleblowing governor

Committee membership: Curriculum & Standards; Admissions
Link role: SEND and disadvantaged pupils


Committee membership: Finance & Staffing and Curriculum & Standards (Chair)
Link role: Governor Training

Committee membership: Finance & Staffing; Safety & Community
Link role: Health & Safety

Committee membership: Safety & Community; Ethos


Vicar of St Mary’s Church

Committee membership: Safety & Community; Admissions
Link roles: Safeguarding; School Visits

Committee membership: Safety & Community; Admissions (chair)
Link Roles: SEND

Committee membership: Safety & Community; Ethos

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Associate Members

Committee Membership: Finance & Staffing; Curriculum & Standards

The following committees benefit from the active participation of these members of staff:
Admissions Committee – Clare Cronin
Finance and Staffing Committee – Simon Minty
Safety and Community – Justyna Konach
Ethos – Connie Myers

The Clerk to St Mary’s Governing Body is Alison Watts