St Mary’s CE Primary School actively promotes the core British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, mutual respect, tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. In accordance with these values, which are at the heart of our school’s Christian ethos, extremist ideas will be challenged and opportunities for radicalisation prevented.
We promote British values in many ways: through teaching and learning (in particular the PSHE curriculum), Collective Worship and through our wider school activities.
At St Mary’s we promote the importance of democracy through
- the open and fair voting processes for council positions (School, Sports and Eco) and for many house competitions
- taking part in the borough Pupil Parliament
- discussions between Councillors and the Headteacher/Senior Leadership team about matters of concern to pupils
- carrying out regular pupil and parent surveys to initiate imporvements
At St Mary’s we promote the importance of individual liberty by
- giving the opportunity to choose to take part in school-run clubs and other optional
activities - encouraging child-led activities such as cake sales for charity
- supporting increased liberty as pupils move up through the school to Year 6
At St Mary’s we promote the importance of law through
- the Home-School agreement which is signed by all pupils
- following all government legislation relating to education
- through our partnership with the local Road Safety Officer and Police team
At St Mary’s we promote the importance of mutual respect through
- the Home-School Agreement
- our PSHE curriculum
- regular Collective Worship
- agreeing on individual class rules
- regular house events celebrating different aspects of the curriculum (music, sports etc.)
At St Mary’s we promote the tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs through
- our Religious Education curriculum
- our Collective Worship programme which includes stories from different religious traditions and which encourages children to empathise with and pray for people of all faiths, from all over the world.