
At St Mary’s we see the use of technology as a vital skill for our young people to prepare them for the world in which they live. We believe technology encourages pupils to learn from and with each other, developing creativity leading to deeper engagement in learning. In our youngest years, pupils learn about the role of technology in everyday life and begin to explore its use in many different forms. As pupils progress in age, learning is focused on specific skills such as coding, design and building their own programs and content; we are well equipped to provide this learning with Computing Suites on all three sites alongside iPads, laptops and Chromebooks allowing technology to be used seamlessly in the classrooms for cross-curricular work and within the computing curriculum. By the time pupils leave St Mary’s, they have developed computational thinking, incorporating techniques and methods for solving problems.
E-safety is an integral part of the Computing curriculum, specifically covered in every year group every half term. We also celebrate Safer Internet Day and other relevant initiatives. For further information on our e-safety provision, please look on our Safeguarding page.

For further information, please read our ‘Acceptable Use & E-Safety Policy’ on our policies page.