St Mary’s believes in a transparent approach to Data Protection and the use of information. The documents which can be found on this page, help explain how we try and achieve this aim. If you wish to discuss any of the content further, please do not hesitate to contact Simon Minty via sminty@st-marys.richmond.sch.
St Mary’s CE Primary School aims to ensure that all personal data collected, stored, processed and destroyed about any natural person, whether they be a member of staff, pupil, parent, Local Academy Committee Member, visitors, contractor, consultant, a member of supply staff or other individual in the School is done so in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) which implements the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Privacy Notice for Governors & Volunteers
Privacy Notice for Job Applicants
Privacy Notice for Pupils & Parents/Carers
Privacy Notice for School Workforce