The final evening saw our groups meet with their instructors on the astro pitch for silly games with laughs aplenty: dressing their instructors up, spinning around a broom stick and racing in a straight line and many more whacky challenges. After that, it was to the hall for Just Dance time – it’s always hilarious seeing adults and children spinning each other around and doing piggy backs to the likes of Timber and Kung Fu Fighting (some dancing has been posted on Instagram).

Then, there were the awards. First, two Bottlers – individuals who have particularly stood out in overcoming their fears and surprising themselves with what they can achieve (pictured with T-shirt headbands). Second, two Jokers – people who have shone with positivity and put smiles on faces all week (pictured with T-shirts worn as trousers). Lastly, Superstars – all round champions who have helped the team, thrown themselves into the activities and been a joy to be around.

There was also the Team Award for the group accruing the most points in the week for the activities, for room inspections, and for much more.

Importantly, everyone was recognised for their immense achievements this week with their own personalised certificate.

Our final bedtime story of the week was about Edmund the Canada goose who struggled to learn how to be in a team and fly in formation, always diverging from the flock and trying new swoops and glides. Eventually, he had to leave the flock and make his own way. He missed being in his team but soon found new friends who, like him, wanted to fly their own way. Being in a team has many positives but it doesn’t mean we can’t be true to ourselves.

Donna then sent us to bed with a Night Prayer:

“Before the ending of the day,

Creator of the world, we pray

That you, with steadfast love, would keep

Your watch around us while we sleep.

The Lord bless us and watch over us;

The Lord make his face shine upon us and be gracious to us:

The Lord look kindly on us and give us peace.


Tomorrow, we’ll be sad to go home and leave this place of fun and natural beauty. We’ll miss you waves. We’ll miss you morning runs. We’ll miss you giggles in rooms with friends. An instructor asked one child if they were looking forward to going home:
“Yes, a bit I guess.”
“What have you missed most?”
“My bed…and a TV.”

Kids! 🙄