After a long action-packed day in Rouen, play time on the Chateau lawns was welcomed, as was time in rooms. Children (some in particular) were strongly encouraged to shower and refresh themselves for dinner. (Evidence of cleaning is yet to be verified for some.)

Once again, tummies were filled; this time enjoying mini pizzas, bread, hamburgers, peppercorn sauce and vegetables.

After dinner, and despite being tired from the day, a scrapheap challenge was set: using scrap cardboard, design and create a hero or villain, creating their name, powers and backstory. The creativity, ingenuity and humour of this group never ceases to amaze. Creations included Bird Man, Master Mallow, Wonkey Donkey and Shadow Mistress.

9.30pm had passed and teachers were ready for bed! Important messages about tomorrow were shared: 6.30am wake up for 7.00am breakfast, no chance of rain whatsoever, don’t forget water bottles or lose your lunch. Mr Cadman then readied the group for sweet dreams with the tale of Harry and Philomena: two swallows who had fallen in love and nested in Chateau eaves. The group was fortunate enough to witness Harry darting through the dusk sky.

Finally, time for room inspections after Mrs Scammell outlined criteria for points.

Tomorrow, we travel to Vimy Ridge where countless lives were lost during WWI. A more sombre day we expect but an exciting one nevertheless.

Bonsoir mes amis.