To use technology safely and successfully, both in school and outside, we ensure our pupils are aware of how to be safe online and be responsible digital citizens. In addition to e-safety days or messages about being safe online, e-safety is covered as part of the curriculum every half term in all year groups to our children remain safe.
Such is the speed in which e-safety concerns can arise in today’s world, we actively encourage all parents and carers to download the Safer Schools app which keeps parents and teachers abreast of the latest e-safety developments – Letter to parents re Safer Schools app . We remind children and parents that social media apps and websites have age restrictions – in most cases 13+ years old and some older – and are not appropriate for primary school children. (Pupils who walk home alone or with friends are permitted to bring a mobile phone to school but are not allowed to use it on school premises; teachers safely store all phones in a box during the school day.)

We take filtering and monitoring very seriously at St Mary’s. Our tech support team and school leaders work closely with LGfL (London Grid for Learning) to ensure our firewalls and filters are as effective as they can be. All staff are responsible for monitoring the use of technology by our pupils to ensure it is being used safely and responsibly . Our pupils sign agreements committing to using technology in such a way.
Staff receive regular training on E-Safety and similar information sessions are provided to parents and carers. Please find here a letter from June 2021 with links to videos and presentation materials, the local authority’s Lead Adviser for Online Services and Safety: Peter Cowley presentation letter
What parents need to know about….
Find below helpful tips for parents/carers on some of the most popular websites/apps used by children – what to look out for and how best to safeguard children if used:
The below poster along with QR Code links supports parents in keeping children safe online at home.

For further information, please read our ‘Acceptable Use & E-Safety Policy’ on our policies page.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating online? Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors: