The chirps from darting swallows and warm glow of the sun once again graced us this morning. And, once again, the comforting waft of freshly baked croissants lured us to breakfast.

Breakfast also served as an opportunity for some last minute grooming for those who maybe slept in a little later.

Fortunately, the weather gods favoured us again and the morning sun continued for a trip to the beach – a 20 minute walk away.

There is something about the beach, something truly magical, that transports young people to their youngest, most innocent and pure state. No games are required, no screens needed; the environment pulls them in as if by an invisible force: a love of nature. Sea shells become fascinating treasures and are observed with awe and wonder; rocks are tossed into the rich blue waters as if tennis balls in a game; and sand is crafted into shapes like fine artwork. It’s so important this connection to nature is sustained – it’s good for souls; we need it and our world needs it.

With bags weighed down my treasures, we moved just behind the beach for some further play.

After a well deserved lunch by the sea, we returned to our base for afternoon activities.

The intention is for a further update to come before dinner.