
We know that confidence in maths is crucial. We ensure quality time is given to develop a true sense of Number in all year groups. This is especially true in the younger years where concrete resources play a vital role in developing conceptual understandings of key maths areas. Knowing the importance of Times Tables, we aspire for all our pupils to be fluent in their recitation and application by the end of Year 4. Every day, throughout the school, we ensure our pupils have the opportunity to count or practise their Times Tables.

Equally important as Number confidence is the application of mathematical methods to solving problems. We know our pupils must also be able to apply their knowledge to solve real-life problems; this approach also makes sense of what is learnt. Finally, maths learning should be both challenging and fun. Pupils take part in active maths sessions  where possible so they can combine physical activity with mental problem solving. Open-ended investigations are explored too, allowing our young mathematicians the chance to take greater ownership of their learning.