Our Curriculum Intent
At St Mary’s, we have designed a distinct and unique curriculum which realises our vision of excellence balanced with compassion; meets the academic requirements of the National Curriculum; and also provides the social and emotional learning that is so essential to our pupils in this day and age.
Our curriculum balances engaging, meaningful learning which deepens an understanding of our world and compassion for its needs with the mastery of key skills so that excellence can flourish. Learning is adapted to meet the needs of all learners, challenging and supporting where appropriate.
Each half term, year groups focus on an overarching Key Question. The half term’s learning begins with a Hook, which allows the children to explore their new learning focus through practical, engaging activities which generate a thirst and excitement for learning; there are opportunities to share prior knowledge and ask questions to be explored further. To deepen learning and develop experts in each subject area, cross-curricular learning is taken advantage of at every opportunity. This approach gives meaning to learning, it engages children and enables them to do their best. We understand both knowledge and skills are key; during each half term’s learning journey, prior learning is regularly recapped before being built on and skills and practised and then refined. At the end of each half term, year groups culminate their learning with a celebration of Great Work – an opportunity to share a particular aspect of what they have learnt with their peers, another class or parents; an opportunity to showcase outstanding learning and outcomes – true excellence.
Importantly, our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of our pupils. There are frequent opportunities to engage in debate on important global issues such as war and conflict, poverty, freedom, environmental sustainability and much more – developing compassionate learners and global citizens. Living in Twickenham, we are fortunate to have close access to some of the best theatres, galleries and museums in the world – our children develop a rich Cultural Capital. We also recognise the need to broaden our horizons, taking every opportunity to learn about, and celebrate, diverse London and Britain.
With this knowledge, skills and experience – alongside a true love of learning – St Mary’s pupils are well prepared for life at secondary school and beyond.
If you would like any further information on our curriculum, you can contact our Deputy Headteacher at deputyheadteacher@st-marys.richmond.sch.uk