
At St Mary’s we aim for all pupils to develop excellence in a broad range of physical activities. Our curriculum provides pupils with the opportunities to learn key skills in dance, gymnastics, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities and a wide range of team sports, building on these skills year by year. Pupils progress from learning basic movement skills to applying and developing their agility, balance and coordination. Team sports are celebrated and the importance of showing compassion for every team member’s needs is integral. Teachers work alongside external P.E. specialists to ensure staff deliver the best lessons possible.
We greatly value the health and fitness benefits from P.E. and other physical activity – as a school we target 60 minutes of physical activity every day, with two P.E. lessons each week. Where possible, we look for ways to make other curriculum subjects ‘active’ such as with our Maths of the Day activities. A wide range of clubs are offered before and after school by staff and external agencies. We relish opportunities to compete in sport and other activities appreciating that they build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. We take great pride in our performances in football, tag-rugby, netball, athletics and swimming.
Children attend swimming lessons in Year 3 enabling us to identify those who need further support early; when we feel they are well below age related expectations, we commit to them catching up to meet National Curriculum requirements.
Our ultimate goal is that all pupils leave St Mary’s physically literate with the knowledge, skills and motivation required to equip themselves for healthy lifestyles and lifelong participation in physical activity.