
At St Mary’s Religious Education is a core subject. We are a Church of England school and we follow The Diocese of London Board for Schools’ curriculum; learning about Christian beliefs, teachings and values forms all of the teaching in the Foundation Stage (Reception) and two-thirds of the curriculum in Years 1 – 6. The other third in Years 1 – 6 explores other major world religions. We have a close relationship with St Mary’s Church, visiting regularly throughout the year, either for special services like Christmas or simply to stay connected and use the beautiful space for learning or quiet reflection. Every week, St Mary’s Church clergy lead Collective Worship, furthering our understanding of Christian beliefs. As a school, we have six Christian values which we live out, explore and celebrate: Friendship, Thankfulness, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Service and Endurance.
We appreciate and celebrate other religions and beliefs; our pupils learn about Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Islam – religions which we see practised around us, here in London, and in our school, with a diverse religious pupil population. Through our religious learning we explore: beliefs and teachings; ways of living; and ways of expressing meaning. Our children not only learn about religion but are also encouraged to learn from religion. Ultimately, we aim to foster compassion, love and understanding for all religions.