Well, the praying did no good; Miss Casperzs got overexcited and impatient when pressing the skip scene button (see last blog for context) resulting into her speeding ahead to the end credits. Such was the coach’s profound disappointed in her actions, we gave up on Kung Fu Panda and ‘enjoyed’ (loosely used) Snow Dogs – it was a long journey back!

Returning to our sunny home at 6.50pm, the children relished the opportunity to run around for 20 minutes before dinner – staff remained seated, but in the sun at least. Dinner tonight was a starter of salamis and cornichons with baguettes followed by chicken and chips, with French cheeses to follow – delicieux!

After dinner, the group returned to the chateaux lawns for fun and games – ‘Mini-Olympics’ – which involved events such as the sassy walk and chicken run. Unfortunately, the teachers were also coerced into joining in – video footage may have been taken but sadly not all staff have photo permissions so it can’t be shared 😉

With children – hopefully – tired out, the Year 6 teachers performed their telepathic game designed at PGL where Mrs Scammell and Miss Caspersz magically guess the name of a famous person suggested by a child to Mr Murphy using nothing more than telepathy. Does Mr Murphy’s seemingly rambling words aid them? What do his finger snaps mean? Will we ever find out, or even care for that matter?

Tomorrow we stay locally and don’t board the coach. Let’s hope we can dodgy those rain clouds as much as possible.