Details of Before & After School Care Providers linked to St Mary’s
Please find details of some local childcare providers who offer a combination of before and after school care and can drop off and collect your child from St Mary’s (offerings may vary across the providers detailed):
- Junior Clubhouse – Close to our Infant Site, they offer before & after school care for all year groups and is run by some parents of St Mary’s children
- Victoria Place – Offering after school care for all year groups locally on Church Street
- St Mary’s Bright Horizons – Next door to our Infant Site on Aragon Road offering before & after school care for Reception – Year 2
- Daisy Roots – Based out of St Mary’s Middle Site, providing before & after school care for all year groups and are
- Kids club – Offering after school care with sporting activities for Years 4 – 6 based out of Orleans school next door to St Mary’s Junior site.
Other childcare options:
- Athlete Mannies –
- CLASSLIST: Our parent association (FoSM –Friends of St Mary’s), encourage parents to connect with each other via an app called CLASSLIST. Once you are a parent at the school, you can register with CLASSLIST which will then allow you to contact other parents. This can be a useful way to appeal to anyone knows of after school childcare providers or those willing to share existing arrangements.
If you need further support in securing childcare, you can contact Richmond Borough’s Achieving for Children at ; they also offer the following websites to search for local providers: childcare search and brokerage service
Please note that St Mary’s School is not responsible for the content of external internet sites linked here and does not endorse particular providers.