St Mary's C of E Primary School Twickenham



This half term's Key Question for Year 6 has been 'Where will my journey take me?' For the chimichangas, the answer is from the Amazon rainforest then over the Andean mountains but after that, their future is unclear. For our Class of '22, the same applies; what is important is they are prepared - as best as one can be - for all the mountains and valleys that lie ahead. We hope St Mary's, alongside supportive, loving homes, have enabled this. This half term's class novel for Year 6 has been Michael Morpurgo's 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. In the story, Kensuke lives alone [...]


As the final night drew in, 86 children disappeared to their rooms to get ready for a final meal followed by a party; 86 seemingly young adults returned in their best digs, glammed up and positively beaming with excitement. Our final dinner gave everyone the opportunity to dive further into French culture and cuisine with snails and frogs legs on offer. After a huge 'merci beaucoup' to our chefs for the week, we hit the dance floor. The highlight of the evening had to be an uncharacteristic visit to the dance floor by Mr Murphy, spurred into action by Beyonce's 'All [...]


Back from the exerts of the beach, the classes split for a rotation of three activities: FENCING   CLIMBING PETANQUE Exhausted, sweaty and smelly, Mr Murphy had to retire for a shower; the rest of the group also needed some down time. Giving children lists sometimes helps: 1. Shower - no smelly children on the coach tomorrow. 2. Pack your bags for tomorrow's departure, omitting disco clothes, travel clothes, pyjamas and toiletries (so pretty much everything). 3. Get ready for the disco (hip loosening suggested, especially for Mr Bowell). 4. Relax (translated to 'no running, shouting or entering each others rooms'). [...]

La plage

The chirps from darting swallows and warm glow of the sun once again graced us this morning. And, once again, the comforting waft of freshly baked croissants lured us to breakfast. Breakfast also served as an opportunity for some last minute grooming for those who maybe slept in a little later. Fortunately, the weather gods favoured us again and the morning sun continued for a trip to the beach - a 20 minute walk away. There is something about the beach, something truly magical, that transports young people to their youngest, most innocent and pure state. No games are required, no [...]

Snaps is the game…

Well, the praying did no good; Miss Casperzs got overexcited and impatient when pressing the skip scene button (see last blog for context) resulting into her speeding ahead to the end credits. Such was the coach's profound disappointed in her actions, we gave up on Kung Fu Panda and 'enjoyed' (loosely used) Snow Dogs - it was a long journey back! Returning to our sunny home at 6.50pm, the children relished the opportunity to run around for 20 minutes before dinner - staff remained seated, but in the sun at least. Dinner tonight was a starter of salamis and cornichons with [...]

Wellington Quarry & Vimy Ridge

In the autumn term, Year 6 began their year learning about WWII. Their Key Question was 'How can we live in peace?' On one side of Vimy Monument lays the tomb of the Unknown Soldier: an unidentified dead soldier representing all those lost during the tragedy that was WWI. Resting on top of the tomb is a helmet and sword as a symbol that war was over and weapons were no longer needed. The greatest tragedy was not the war itself but that since the war, humankind has not learnt its lesson - conflict still prevails in our world. For this [...]

Harry & Philomena

After a long action-packed day in Rouen, play time on the Chateau lawns was welcomed, as was time in rooms. Children (some in particular) were strongly encouraged to shower and refresh themselves for dinner. (Evidence of cleaning is yet to be verified for some.) Once again, tummies were filled; this time enjoying mini pizzas, bread, hamburgers, peppercorn sauce and vegetables. After dinner, and despite being tired from the day, a scrapheap challenge was set: using scrap cardboard, design and create a hero or villain, creating their name, powers and backstory. The creativity, ingenuity and humour of this group never ceases to [...]


A good night's sleep by all was rewarded with freshly cooked croissants and hot chocolates. Travel sickness pills administered and packed lunches made (approximately taking 4 hours - not really!) and our adventurers were ready to explore the cultural hotspot that is Rouen. With BBC weather forecasting 25c fine weather (and rarely correct), caution was taken and raincoats requested which seemed well judged as the rain began to fall as we journeyed there. As ever, there's always one who doesn't listen, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts and nothing more! Luckily, he fashioned a waterproof hat as back up. Every step [...]

We’ve arrived – finally!

Today was a special day in the calendar. It was the day when Earth's elliptical orbit of the sun marked its closest point in its 365 day journey - all resulting it what is known as 'the longest day of the year'. Our journey from Twickenham to Normandy certainly felt like the longest day! Leaving school at 10.30am, the group of 86 children and eight adults waved au revoir with energy and enthusiasm for the week ahead. This group had heard of the France trip for years and the day had finally arrived for their turn. Within minutes of travel, our [...]

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